Cases and Campaigns

The Curious Case of Alok Nath - Why did Alok Nath Trend on Twitter

A case study to analyze the content which lead to the buzz around the veteran bollywood actor and how content marketers have leveraged the trend to weave a strong social media presence around the theme of Alok Nath Memes. The content in this case was so compelling and engaging that it is now being crowd sourced. Such is the power of #ContentMarketing in todays world. While #AlokNath looks amused with the popularity his managers and PRO need to put on the thinking cap to plan on channelizing the buzz created around his image towards better endorsements and greater prospects.


The ultimate inspiration for your brand to reach up to the likes of #Pepsi , #Oldspice , #Whooper , #BARACKOBAMA , #OBAMA#Minicooperthis #Newyear .. So what are you waiting for ? GET SET GO and plan something remarkable for your#Brand

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Hitesh Rajwani is a Microsoft Certified IT Professional and a Certified Ethical Hacker.He is a proactive Digital Media evangelist with experience in working for BIFFES, Only Much Louder (NH7 Weekender), Dream:in,Kriya and Dream Simulators

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